
More than 25 million people are living with rheumatoid arthritis and more than one million new cases are diagnosed each year. "The goal of Elsa Science is to help people living with chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis to live their lives to the fullest," said Sofia Svanteson, CEO and co-founder of Elsa Science, "because rheumatoid arthritis generally leads to a poorer quality of life and we want to change this through research, education and motivational support."


Elsa Science is a software platform with the mission to empower patients and caregivers by finding and monitoring the right treatment.

The Elsa Digital Companion Application is designed to help people diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis achieve a new normal faster. Users can track symptoms, habits and medications to better understand how they are related.

After establishing a personal plan, Elsa guides the user in their daily life.

Using software-driven cognitive behavioral therapy interventions, Elsa has designed health programs in collaboration with healthcare professionals. The programs provide support with self-management techniques to better manage illness.

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Quadruple Aim is ontwikkeld om de prestaties van gezondheidssystemen te verbeteren. In het model worden vier doelen onderscheiden: het verbeteren van de gezondheid, het verminderen van de zorgkosten per hoofd van de bevolking en het verbeteren van de zorgervaringen van burgers/patiënten en de werkervaring van zorgprofessionals. Wij gebruiken deze categorieën om onze impact op gezondheid in te schatten.