
The Momo App helps caregivers know which client needs help. The app works with a smart bed sensor that is placed under the mattress of all residents. At a glance, caregivers have an overview of all nursing home residents. The predictive and live insights in the app increase caregivers' job satisfaction, allowing them to provide more person-centered care. There are fewer false alarms and unnecessary monitoring rounds and administration is taken out of their hands. For residents, it results in fewer falls and better sleep.


Momo Medical developed BedSense, a sensor that is placed under the resident's mattress. The sensor records information about pressure, posture and vibration. A special app displays this data, giving care workers insight into residents' sleep status. They can see which residents are safe in bed sleeping calmly, who is restless and who needs help to turn to prevent pressure sores. Care workers can accurately assess what actions are needed based on this information.

Morning care can also be personalized. The app indicates whether a resident is awake or still asleep, allowing care to be tailored to individual needs and rhythms. This contributes to a higher quality of life, well-being and a decrease in behavioral problems. In addition, practitioners can analyze the information available in the app to provide targeted advice on interventions, such as improving sleep patterns.

The bed sensor promotes residents' sleep and offers them a greater sense of security. For the caregivers, the bed sensor and accompanying app offer a better overview, peace of mind and job satisfaction. With the deployment of the bed sensor, it is clear when a resident is in or out of bed and needs support. As a result, inefficient standard night rounds can be avoided. The need to deploy motion sensors is also reduced.

We used to schedule four nurses for the night shift across several floors. Since we have been using BedSense, only three nurses are needed because the rounds are run more efficiently and focused. (An innovation manager)


The insights from the Momo BedSense at the ward level give care organizations tools to deploy care workers in a more targeted way. A location of one of the care organizations is investigating how they can adjust the schedule based on care peaks. Another organization is launching an organization-wide study on how care workers can be deployed in a more targeted way so that fewer vacancies need to be filled.

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Quadruple Aim is ontwikkeld om de prestaties van gezondheidssystemen te verbeteren. In het model worden vier doelen onderscheiden: het verbeteren van de gezondheid, het verminderen van de zorgkosten per hoofd van de bevolking en het verbeteren van de zorgervaringen van burgers/patiënten en de werkervaring van zorgprofessionals. Wij gebruiken deze categorieën om onze impact op gezondheid in te schatten.