
We tend to only go to the doctor when we have symptoms. However, symptoms appear later in the progression of a disease and are therefore often a late starting point for effective treatment. There may already be non-repairable organ damage, such as after a heart or brain infarct, or metastases, in the case of cancer. Similarly, a diagnosis of diabetes or depression is more likely to mark the end of a long-standing issues, rather than the beginning of a disease.

We know more and more about hereditary and non-hereditary (risk) factors. This creates more opportunities for personal prevention and early disease detection. However, early diagnosis is only useful if it also enables more effective treatment without medicalizing society. The challenge is to make the existing knowledge available to everyone in an accessible, responsible and (cost) effective way.


With their Personal Health Check, &niped is the authority on personal prevention in the Netherlands. This reliable, accessible and scalable e-health platform enables participants to establish and monitor a personal health profile in a secure online environment.

With the Personal Health Check, people gain insight into their health so they know what they can do to improve it. They are motivated to start creating a healthier lifestyle.

In addition, &niped helps organizations and government agencies increase employee health, wellbeing and productivity.

The Personal Health Check is a low-threshold test. Participants complete an online questionnaire and receive a health report based on risk profile, motivation and personal characteristics.

Linked to the corresponding advice are references to websites, organizations or care providers that can help create a healthier lifestyle.

The test is medico-scientifically based and contains the most up-to-date information and guidelines in the field of prevention and early diagnosis. The Prevention Consult, the COPD risk test and the Prevention Compass are integrated into it. Referrals to the company or general practitioner for additional examination are based on guidelines in the areas of cardiovascular risk, COPD and lifestyle.

In addition to Noaber investing in &niped, the Population Health program is also involved in the deployment of the "Personal Health Check" at fourteen general practitioners.

Programma Populatie Gezondheid