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Johanneke van de Scheur-Baan


Johanneke van de Scheur-Baan

I love devoting my time and energy to a sustainable and meaningful contribution to society. Within my various roles in our entrepreneurial, 2nd generation family foundation I am led by the slogan 'Impact is the bottom line'. This gives me inspiration and satisfaction every day.

Impact is the bottom line


  • Voorzitter RvB Stichting Stewardship Foundation
  • Voorzitter RvB Stichting Compassion Foundation
  • Voorzitter beleggingscommissie Stichting Stewardship Foundation
  • Voorzitter beleggingscommissie Stichting Compassion Foundation
  • Bestuurslid Stichting Hoge Veluwe Fonds
  • Lid RvT Siriz